Wealth Belongs To You

Wealth Belongs To You

Friday, December 30, 2011

25 Days of Wealh Affirmations

Supernatural Prosperity
Here's something everyone can try for 25 straight days. It's said you can form a new habit in approximately 3 weeks.

Pick out one, a few, or all of these Wealth affirmations to experiment with the power of the Law of Attraction in your life. Read the ones you like:  

A) When you get up in the morning; 

B) Once during the day; 

C) Before you go to bed - to cause them to become ingrained in your subconscious mind.

Don't "try" to believe them, or force them to work in your life in any way. Just read them without fail three times a day for 21 straight days. They will become part of you and will have a most powerful effect... 

Let me know in 3 weeks your results!      

1. Money ‘flows’ consistently...  Money comes into my life and goes out of my life on a regular basis. I do not try to hoard it or stop it from ‘flowing’ out.    
When I allow it to flow out, as well as in, I am creating additional ‘space’ for more to flow to me.

2. Money  is good and I love money,  because the more money I have the more good things I can do for myself, my family, and for others. I LOVE MONEY for what it allows me to do.

3. I save money, for OPPORTUNITIES.   I surely attract opportunities into my life to increase my abundance.

4. I  always save 10% of the money that flows into my life. Savings eliminates stress and worry that would block more money from coming to me. The more I SAVE the harder my subconscious creative mind works to add to my abundance.

5. I always give money to someone else in need  (even if only a little). When I give money to help others with no expectations of getting anything in return I create ‘spiritual space’ for more money to come to me. The more I give the more I will get and it never fails.

6. I always focus on the fact that lots of money is on its way to me  through an unknown method. I just get out of my own way and ALLOW money to flow to me.

7. I focus on the amount I want and TRUST and ALLOW the supernatural prosperity of the universal laws to worry about the HOW. My job is to set the amount and the job of the Universe is to create the HOW. 

8. I write down all the good things I will do as soon as the money coming now gets here...then I read the list often and feel the joy & excitement!

9. I know how much money I want and I expect it to HAPPEN. No what if's - I know it will HAPPEN.

10. I always CONTROL my money  so I will never be without it. 

11. I use a portion of my money to increase  my physical health. 

12. I believe and KNOW "I can always afford it", "My life is as if money grew on trees right out back", "Money is good to have!"

13. I understand I was created and put on earth to be prosperous.I know that no one was ever created to experience a life of financial struggles. I was created to experience all the good things in life and it is my birthright to do so. 

14. I live the abundance mindset. God provided all the abundance needed by the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, and the animals on the ground. They all have plenty to eat and drink. And He would leave me out of that? No way. I, too, am provided for, so I choose to look around and see my abundance. Oh! There it is! 

15. I am GRATEFUL for the money I have right now & for improved physical health. 

16. When I see a penny on the ground, I pick it up and thank the Universe for placing it in my path. This tells Universe I value and want all money in my path. 

17. I don't "need" money. When I desire money I just invoke the Law of Attraction to bring money to me.

18. I practice "shifting" every second, minute, hour, all day long.  When I think about money I consciously "shift" to having it  in my mind. That makes the creation of it in the physical certain. 

19. I use VISUALIZATION to ‘see’ myself having lots of money. 

20. I "preview" in my thoughts ME saving the lives of helpless animals, feeding and sheltering the homeless, helping to find cures for disease, helping my family and neighbors in need, and giving huge amounts of money to my favority charity. These mental images give me intense emotions of gratitude and love! Yeah!

21.  I EXPECT to have lots of money  in my life. I EXPECT to have it. 

22….I am an EXPERT in my passions which bring me abundance on many levels. 

23. To be completely truthful, I can't play the "poor me" game. I HAVE to talk about how great it is to be alive and how good life is and the more I do that the more I attract more of the same to myself. My words are incredibly powerful and affect what happens in my life so I choose them carefully. I ONLY use words that move me toward who I want to BE in life. I ONLY use words that move me toward what I want to HAVE in life. 

24. I LOVE to buy for myself, or for someone I love, the things I wouldn’t normally spend the money to buy. Why not? I can afford it!

25. I am UNSTOPPABLE!  I KNOW I'm IMPORTANT, VALUABLE, and I have a PURPOSE in life and nothing can stop me from living the life of my dreams! Me and Universe are treating me to this life.


Friday, December 23, 2011



Or Are You?

5 Things That Make Law of Attraction "Not Work" For You... 

 #1 – You're not clear enough and/or don't ask for what you REALLY want

When you're using the law of attraction in love...    When you think you want something and set about to ask the Universe - or God -  for what you want, you must  be absolutely clear about what that is.  When you are cautious with your asking, you get cautious results.  Also, the more consistent you are in asking for the same thing over and over again, the more likely you are to get it.  This isn't because God needs to be asked more than once. YOU need to keep what it is very clear and fresh in your own mind.

If I checked with you right now, and said tell me the kind of person you are wanting the law of attractionto bring to you, how many of you would be able to give me your list of specifics?   

One lady DECIDED to write down a list of qualities she wanted in an ideal love partner. It was after doing this simple exercise that she met her current husband.  It took only three weeks from the time she wrote her must have list till they met!  She had made up her mind.  She wasn't wishing and hoping.  From the day she wrote her list she was open to and expecting the man to match it!

Really ask for what you want, not what you think you should want.   Allow the Universe to create the reality for you.   So many times we're too afraid to ask... we think we ask too much.  Or we don't believewe will get what we want.  If we really want something, but won't ask for it, we get mixed results.  If you want a man or woman that looks a certain way, you won't be pleased with 3/4 of the new ones that begin to show up in your life when you simply asked for any man or woman. You need to ask for EVERYTHING you want and be clear or you sell yourself short.

#2 – You feel no passion for what you say you want.

To consciously use the law of attraction to manifest your ideal love partner takes energy and passion.   If it were easy, everyone would be able to do it instantly.   I didn't say it's hard, but it takes energy. Think about an Olympic athlete.  They train six days a week putting a huge amount of energy toward achieving their goals.  If they believe in themselves, and persist, despite world class competition, they can walk away with the Gold.  The law of attraction responds to anything you put energy into.

How much energy do you put out in achieving your ideal soulmate?  Are you half-hearted, flipping it off most of the time by telling yourself that it won't work?   How much time and/or money have you spent in learning from successful people who HAVE used the law of attraction in love so you can copy what they do? What are you thinking about most of the day? Your job? Your bills? How lonely you are?  You get back what you think most consistently about and feel.  "But if I feel lonely, how can I think and feel I have someone great?", you might be wondering.  The same way you get up and go to work for a paycheck you don't "have" yet...   you do what is necessary to make it come on payroll day.  You put in the "work" of feeling you have this great dream person you're creating so that the day will come that you get them!

Bottom line – if you put no energy and passion into working to create and accept that who you are creating is real, even if you don't see them,  the Universe matches you with no results. The Universe always matches your energy input.

#3 – You don’t realize that you have conflicting wants

Conflicting wants confuse The Universe.   Suppose that you want to be married and you are asking to meet your future spouse, but at the same time right now you completely and totally enjoy the freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want.  You have conflicting wants.  Your belief is that getting married will restrict your happiness and freedom.  I promise, you will sabotage your efforts to manifest your dream partner, because what happens when you have two conflicting wants? The want or desire with the greatest  EMOTIONAL CHARGE will win.  So in the example I gave you –  you are FEELING the happiness of your freedom MORE than you are feeling the happiness of getting married.  Universe keeps you single to match the greatest FEELING you're putting out.  It's the same feeling on both wants, but one is more intense.  It's that one which will be rewarded.  

The "trick" and skill is to become as aware as possible to all the different "wants" you have.  You categorize &r rate it, like you do blogs here at fanbox, to tell the Universe how high up on the things coming into your life to put this item.   

#4 – You stick to your belief system even when it isn’t supporting you

The biggest challenge in the attracting process is to uncover the emotions and beliefs that are literally blocking you from creating your dream, whether that is: a soulmatemoneyhappiness, whatever.   "I just can't attract money.  I never have.  I don't know how", you say.  You would rather stick with the belief that you "can't", than to make the effort to become something you've never been by acting "as if" until you do become it.

Marcus Aurelius said, "What a man can conceive and believe, he can achieve". The law of attraction states that what you believe/feel you will produce in physical reality.  If you believe you are too short, or too fat or too ugly or too poor to attract something different, the Universe will make you RIGHT! You will create what you believe to be true. If you believe that men are abusive, you will ONLY attract abusive men to your life! If you believe you can't keep money you will create circumstances into your life that takes anymoney you do manage to acquire.  

The Universe makes you RIGHT based on your beliefs.  Would you rather be RIGHT about being unable to attract money or love, or would you rather have cash coming in and a loving relationship?  

The choice is yours. It's not what you've always had or even believed that has anything to do with what you can have or believe.  Beliefs are just thoughts held to be true by you. They have power only to the extent that you believe in them.  If you DECIDE to change your thoughts and beliefs, you'll change your life.  Yes, you can just up and decide to do it.  THAT'S ALL ANYONE CAN & DOES DO ALL THE TIME.

#5 - You have not cleared SPACE in your life for what you want.  

What this means is that you have to create a vacuum in your life in order for something new and wonderful to come along. .

You know what? We are afraid of the void. We are afraid of the emptiness feeling. It is very scary for most of us, so we fill the empty space with “stuff”, “junk” and sometimes people and things that aren’t ideal for us.  The philosophy is something like, “It is better to have somebody or something rather than nobody or nothing”.

Ask God for help.   Ask God to bring you the right person or the ability to get and keep money.  THEN SIT BACK AND STOP PURSUING MONEY AND YOUR SOULMATE.  This doesn't mean you don't take action.  You need to go out and enjoy yourself.  But don't go out peering into the face of every person to see if this is IT.  Relax.  Allow it to happen naturally.   Don't work 24/7 and try to think of the super duper idea that will bring millions.  Just be open to opportunites.  Put yourself in position, but don't try to force it to happen.  This is "creating space" while enjoying what you have and are doing.  Once you "let go to let God" and begin to relax that it will happen what you want will flow into your life. 

That's when you've really begun to use law of attraction in love -- and anything else you want.  And "IT WORKS!"

Guaranteed Love, Passion, Relationship

Law of Attraction guarantees the love, passion & relationship of your dreams.

5 Easy Steps to attract the relationship of your dreams...

1. Your Ideal Partner?

So you want love, passion, a relationship that's FOR you and that is for REAL?  Write what you want your ideal soulmate to look like.  Brown, black, blonde or red hair?  Long or short hair?   Athletic, tall, slim?  Eye color?  Get into as much detail as possible. Now close your eyes and see this person in your imaginationand do this visualization daily (your notes will help you have in mind whatever image or thought you can form).

2. Now that you know roughly what they look like; who are they?
Write now the personality of your soulmate. What hobbies does he/she have?  Is he/she outgoing or more laid back? Optimistic, confident?  Financially well off?  Details will help you impress this dreams image in the quantum field of energy where all things are created for you.   Now, close your eyes and meet your creation in your imagination. Daydream going out with them, doing stuff that you both enjoy. Imagine that being together will bring the best out of both of you.  And don't just imagine good times.  All relationshipshave bumps.  Imagine when there are bumps, how easy it is to solve any problems that arise with yoursoulmate. Do this at least daily as you are imagining the physical embodiment of this person.

3. Behave As If 

During daily activities, imagine yourself giving gifts and special private messages for your partner or what arrangements you two will make for the evening, like pre-arranging musical enjoyment together or booking a table in the restaurant you both love.  Act as if you were already dating your ideal soulmate. Pretend it has already happened and let yourself enjoy what that feels like.

4. Expect To Meet Them (this is your guarantee)
Expect that your ideal soulmate is already out there for you. Believe that you will meet them today, tomorrow, next week, ...soon. The key is, that you don’t have any doubts about it happening.  You have created them.  (Build it and they will come)

5. Watch for and ACT on the opportunities The Universe will bring into your life.
Once you apply the first 4 steps correctly, opportunities will open up. The only thing left to do now is to take action. Go out whenever possible, if someone opens up a conversation with you, talk to them as if this could be the one!  Maybe he/she is.  If not, they are experience, getting you ready for The One.

Law of Attraction operates in 2 parts.  1) The Visualization.  2)  The Action.  If you really want to meet your dreams mate, please apply both visualiation (imagination) and action through the steps above.  Stay persistent and in belief.  Give it sufficient time.

You will see how the beautiful Law of Attraction works to bring all the love, passion and relationship you can handle!

Magnetic Thoughts of Life

     I believe the Law of Attraction is based in solid science.  It's my perception that in groups that are familiar with this law, that we often speak of "using" the Law of Attraction for this or that thing which we are trying to achieve.  People who are not so familiar with the science of it get the sense that we can manipulate the law to our own ends.  I rather think of our "using" the Law of Attracton in the same sense that we "use" air.  I believe that it IS and therefore we are all "doing" it whether we think we are or not.  I really can't imagine getting up in the morning and dressing to go to the store and then sitting down and meditating for 20 minutes to prepare myself to "use" gravity on my trip.  LOL!  Let us hope that I've been "using" gravity every second of my existence, or I can forget the store anyway!

     So what's my point?  Well, there seems to be little that I can do to affect gravity.  So what is all the hoopla about Law of Attraction?  If these are impersonal, set patterns that are in existence whether we believe in them or not -- can we really use this law to change anything?  And if so, how?  How extensively does it permeate our lives?  Some attraction experts think that we create or attract everything in our lives, good and bad, and hold the sole responsibility for it. Others think that the Pareto principle (or the 80/20 rule) applies.  In other words, that roughly 80% of our effects come from 20% of causes and that not all of these causes arise simply from us...  that some are from the collective consciousness and we have not yet achieved the ability to direct the collective consciousness in any meaningful way.

     Think about it.  Do we attract the weather?  Is our happy, sunny day the farmers' drought?  Could you stand in New York City and say in front of the families who lost loved ones on those planes that crashed into the towers, and in the towers themselves, that those loved ones manifested that to happen?

     I want to know what you think?  What does the Law of Attraction mean in your own life and how much control do you have when "using" it?   How do you use it?

Let's talk!  Your comments are invited and welcome!