Wealth Belongs To You

Wealth Belongs To You

Friday, December 23, 2011

Magnetic Thoughts of Life

     I believe the Law of Attraction is based in solid science.  It's my perception that in groups that are familiar with this law, that we often speak of "using" the Law of Attraction for this or that thing which we are trying to achieve.  People who are not so familiar with the science of it get the sense that we can manipulate the law to our own ends.  I rather think of our "using" the Law of Attracton in the same sense that we "use" air.  I believe that it IS and therefore we are all "doing" it whether we think we are or not.  I really can't imagine getting up in the morning and dressing to go to the store and then sitting down and meditating for 20 minutes to prepare myself to "use" gravity on my trip.  LOL!  Let us hope that I've been "using" gravity every second of my existence, or I can forget the store anyway!

     So what's my point?  Well, there seems to be little that I can do to affect gravity.  So what is all the hoopla about Law of Attraction?  If these are impersonal, set patterns that are in existence whether we believe in them or not -- can we really use this law to change anything?  And if so, how?  How extensively does it permeate our lives?  Some attraction experts think that we create or attract everything in our lives, good and bad, and hold the sole responsibility for it. Others think that the Pareto principle (or the 80/20 rule) applies.  In other words, that roughly 80% of our effects come from 20% of causes and that not all of these causes arise simply from us...  that some are from the collective consciousness and we have not yet achieved the ability to direct the collective consciousness in any meaningful way.

     Think about it.  Do we attract the weather?  Is our happy, sunny day the farmers' drought?  Could you stand in New York City and say in front of the families who lost loved ones on those planes that crashed into the towers, and in the towers themselves, that those loved ones manifested that to happen?

     I want to know what you think?  What does the Law of Attraction mean in your own life and how much control do you have when "using" it?   How do you use it?

Let's talk!  Your comments are invited and welcome!

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