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Wealth Belongs To You

Friday, December 23, 2011

Guaranteed Love, Passion, Relationship

Law of Attraction guarantees the love, passion & relationship of your dreams.

5 Easy Steps to attract the relationship of your dreams...

1. Your Ideal Partner?

So you want love, passion, a relationship that's FOR you and that is for REAL?  Write what you want your ideal soulmate to look like.  Brown, black, blonde or red hair?  Long or short hair?   Athletic, tall, slim?  Eye color?  Get into as much detail as possible. Now close your eyes and see this person in your imaginationand do this visualization daily (your notes will help you have in mind whatever image or thought you can form).

2. Now that you know roughly what they look like; who are they?
Write now the personality of your soulmate. What hobbies does he/she have?  Is he/she outgoing or more laid back? Optimistic, confident?  Financially well off?  Details will help you impress this dreams image in the quantum field of energy where all things are created for you.   Now, close your eyes and meet your creation in your imagination. Daydream going out with them, doing stuff that you both enjoy. Imagine that being together will bring the best out of both of you.  And don't just imagine good times.  All relationshipshave bumps.  Imagine when there are bumps, how easy it is to solve any problems that arise with yoursoulmate. Do this at least daily as you are imagining the physical embodiment of this person.

3. Behave As If 

During daily activities, imagine yourself giving gifts and special private messages for your partner or what arrangements you two will make for the evening, like pre-arranging musical enjoyment together or booking a table in the restaurant you both love.  Act as if you were already dating your ideal soulmate. Pretend it has already happened and let yourself enjoy what that feels like.

4. Expect To Meet Them (this is your guarantee)
Expect that your ideal soulmate is already out there for you. Believe that you will meet them today, tomorrow, next week, ...soon. The key is, that you don’t have any doubts about it happening.  You have created them.  (Build it and they will come)

5. Watch for and ACT on the opportunities The Universe will bring into your life.
Once you apply the first 4 steps correctly, opportunities will open up. The only thing left to do now is to take action. Go out whenever possible, if someone opens up a conversation with you, talk to them as if this could be the one!  Maybe he/she is.  If not, they are experience, getting you ready for The One.

Law of Attraction operates in 2 parts.  1) The Visualization.  2)  The Action.  If you really want to meet your dreams mate, please apply both visualiation (imagination) and action through the steps above.  Stay persistent and in belief.  Give it sufficient time.

You will see how the beautiful Law of Attraction works to bring all the love, passion and relationship you can handle!

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